- Extreme Hardship Immigration Cases With Immigration Judges: Psychosocial Factors. Cuny School Of Professional Studies. Cle. October 30, 2012.
- Hardship Immigration Waivers With Immigration Officers: How To Avoid Denials & What To Do When They Happen: Psychosocial Perspective. Cle. CUNY School Of Professional Studies. November 26, 2012.
- Avoiding Denials in Extreme Hardships Immigration Cases: Criteria and Strategies. Graduate Center. City University of New York. CLE. November 3, 2011.
- How To Demonstrate Harm in Asylum Petitions When Physical Proof Is Absent: Strategies & Interventions. Panel Discussion. AILA National Conference. National Harbor, Maryland. July 3, 2010.
- Extreme Hardship Psycho-Social Evaluations in Immigration & Criminal Cases. Manhattan, New York. CUNY School of Law. Queens, New York. February 24, 2010.
- Mitigation & Forensic Consultation: Purpose & Process. Columbia University. Psychiatric Institute. Manhattan, New York. November 10, 2009.
- Hardship Waivers: Tricks of the Trade. University of Maryland at Shady Grove Conference Center. Rockville, Maryland. November 16, 2009.
- Extreme Hardship Psycho-Social Evaluations in Immigration & Criminal Cases. Manhattan, New York. 500 Perl St. SDNY. May 18 and 20, 2009.
- Lawyer’s Countertransference & The Mitigation Expert’s Role: Roadblocks in ye Consulting Process. The National Organization of Forensic Social Work Annual Conference. Hartford CT. May, 2008.
- Mitigation Fundamentals: Start Early Start Often. New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. CLE Seminar. St. Francis. Brooklyn, New York. October 12, 2007.
- Mitigation for the Middle Class: How to Advocate for Criminal Defendants Who Did Not Grow Up in Underprivileged Environments. The National Organization of Forensic Social Work Annual Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada. April 2007.
- Forensic Immigration Social Work: Types of Cases, Evaluation, Clinical Issues and Court Testimony. Grand Rounds. Department of Social Work. Mount Sinai Hospital. Manhattan, New York. April 18, 2005.
- American Immigration Lawyers Association. 2004 Annual Conference on Immigration Law. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Practice Roundtable Panelist. Battered Spouses and Children. June 9, 2004.
- Criteria to Facilitate the Transfer of Clients with Mental Retardation to Inpatient Psychiatry. 25th Annual YAI International Conference. Manhattan. NY. May 3, 2004.
- Immigration Forensics and Social Work Consultation: Family Hardship, Spousal Abuse, Criminal, and Asylum Cases. The National Organization of Forensic Social Work 2004 Annual Conference. Tampa, Florida. May, 2004.
- Forensic Evaluations and Reports for Immigration Clients: Structure, Presentation, Strategy, and Criteria. City University of New York School of Law. Continuing Legal Education Credits. Queens, NY. 1/29/2003.
- Criteria to Facilitate the Transfer of Clients with Mental Retardation to Inpatient Psychiatry. YAI International Conference. Manhattan. NY. 4/29/2002.
- Dealing with Clients with Mental Health Disorders: Major Areas of Concern for Attorneys. City University of New York School of Law. Continuing Legal Education Credits. Queens, NY. 2/6/2002.
- The Difficult Client in Private Practice: Identifying the Dangers and Strategies for Intervention. City University of New York School of Law. Continuing Legal Education Credits. Queens, NY. 2/27/2002.
- Incident Review Management in Inpatient Psychiatry: Special Challenges. YAI International Conference. Manhattan. NY. 5/2/2001.
- Issues in Mental Health for Attorneys. City University of New York School of Law. Continuing Legal Education Credits. Queens, NY. 3/11/2001.
- Growing Older: Re-establishing Your Identity by Exploring Your Needs. Rodeph Shalom Synagogue. New York, NY. 1/16/2001.
- Communicating and Understanding Needs in Early Marriage. Ohav Tzedeck Synagogue. New York, NY. 1/12/2001.
- Early Aspects of Marriage: Communication Skills and Needs. Young Israel Synagogue. Forest Hills. NY. 12/10/2000.
- Barriers and Obstacles to Incident Review Management: Solutions from the Healthcare Field. YAI International Conference. Manhattan. NY. 5/4/2000.
- Incident Review Management: Systemic Performance Improvements. American Association for Mental Retardation. Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA. 5/28/1999.
- Substance Abuse Psychosis Versus other Psychoses: Towards a Differential Diagnosis. Psychiatry Grand Rounds. North General Hospital. Harlem, NY. 3/1996.
- Couples Therapy: An Object Relations Perspective. New Hope Guild, Tikvah. Brooklyn, NY. 8/1994.
- Object Relations Marital Therapy. North York General Hospital. North York, Ontario. 4/1993.
- Interventions for the Inpatient Psychiatric Spouse. Nursing Education Seminar. North York, Ontario. 3/1993.
- What Goes Right in Clinical Social Work. Humber Memorial Hospital. Weston, Ontario. 4/1992.
Previously > Experience